ORIGENES Anker Noreste s.To. It is a company with headquarters in Barcelona, founded in the year 1988 with the purpose to commercialise in Spain the line of cash registers ANKER. A mark that in his moment enjoyed of a lot of prestige by his robustness and technology, being in a pioneering principle in concept of mechanics and later vanguardista with the development of the electronics and some revolutionaries and advanced communications. Previous to the irruption of the PC like modern point of sale, developed for the Spanish market the protocols of communications of manufacturers of high range like Aster, Nitsuko or Sarema and implanted the first systems of you telecomandas for the hosteleria via infrarojos. The own evolution of the market in the sector of the point of sale, has gone propiciando a change of technology much more advanced and versatile, where the terminal tactiles, identification and mobilidad, have purchased a big importance.
SPECIALISATION Under these criteria, Anker Noreste has specialised in this market through the professional channel of distribution, manufacturing and commercialising in some cases standard teams (based in technology PC), Kiosks or mattering industrial solutions for surroundings more critical. Beside the extensive range of Terminal Point of sale commercialise all his peripherals such as: tactile Solutions, Finders of customer, Printers of comprobantes and labels, readers of codes of bar, Drawers portamonedas, PDA's, RFiD etc.. Anker Noreste, offers in addition to the commercialisation, the service post sale of all his products, included the repair under guarantee of the majority of the manufacturers, (FEC, CipherLAB, Argox, Epson, Honeywell) ponderando an agility, rapidity and quality of the service, chord to the image of company.
FEC SPAIN Founded in 2012, to give a better support and organise the channel of distribution, creates FEC SPAIN, mark represented by Anker Noreste s.To. From 1995. |
About FEC FEC (Firich Enterprises Co., Ltd) 1995, is the 5º manufacturer of systems POS to world-wide level, with presence in more than 72 countries, a capacity of upper manufacture to 200.000 TPV's to the year and some annual sales around 80 million dollars. FEC Has cimentado his strategy in offering products of a high quality to prices very competitive, assembling components of industrial degree in carcasas of steel and aluminium to guarantee a cycle of long life in some critical and hard surroundings. |
GLOBAL PRESENCE FEC Is present in the 5 continents, with direct offices in America, China, Korea, manufacture in China and Taiwan and agreements of representation by all the world, with partners in America, Latin America, Europe, China, Taiwan, Japon, Korea, Asia, Orient half, Australia, New zelanda, and Sud Africa. Giving support and service of the product through the channel of distribution, providers of software and Integradores. |
APPLICATION of the PRODUCT All the products POS of FEC, are designed exclusively for the trade, restoration, lotteries, clinical applications and markets of entertainment. Covering vertical needs in Restaurants, Fast foods, Supermarkets, lotteries, etc.. Where requires a totally focused design to each business. Example of this, are customers worldwide known like McDonald, KFC, Burger King, Starbucks, Pizza Huts, Kosmo, Welcome supermarket, Jason Market, City Market….. |
C/ Of the Muslim, 18
08918 - Badalona (Barcelona)
Tel: 934406 103.
Fax: 934499 790.
Monday to Thursday: 9.00h to 18.00h
Friday: 9.00h to 17.00h