Firich Enterprises Co., Ltd., (FEC) is the 5º manufacturer in terminal point of sale to world-wide level, according to the study made by "Retail Banking Reserch", an accredited consulting that offers statistics of market. These data were published in 2011 and són of public domain. FEC Situates above marks like DigiPOS, Posiflex and Fujitsu. According to the general director and president of the company Bill Hsu, "This is not more than the principle of a long route, since the importance of new emergent markets, where FEC is very positioned would allow a high growth"
FEC Has an agreement with Microsoft to integrate in all his devices, the operating systems Embedded. At present they are borne the S.Or PosReady '09 (Equivalent XP SP3) and PosReady '07 (Equivalent to W7 Professional)
These S.Or embedded are customizados and parametrizados so that the terminal point of sale have a greater agility and stability, guaranteeing a maintenance and support in a longer period that the traditional operating systems used in the consumption.
All this information can obtain pressing the button of maintenance of the team FEC (AP3615 or BP500) or integrating a bookshop with the software of the TPV. All this allows us have in real time (Sending data from the station TPV until the central office) of the situation of the team and organise an agil maintenance.