Politics of cookies
Politics of cookies

Type of 'cookies' used

This web uses so much 'cookies' temporary of session as 'cookies' permanent. The 'cookies' of session store data only while the user accesses to the web and the 'cookies' permanent store the data in the terminal so that they are accessed and used in more than a session.

According to the purpose for which treat the data obtained through the 'cookies', the web can use:

'Cookies' technical

They are those that allow to the user the navigation through the web page or application and the utilisation of the different options or services that in her exist. For example, control the traffic and the communication of data, identify the session, access to split them web of access restricted, remember the elements that integrate a request, make the application of registration or participation in an event, use elements of security during the navigation and store contents for the diffusion of videos or sound.
They are the strictly necessary cookies for a correct operation of the web as it is the control of session, register, data of the carrito of purchase, data to distinguish the free services of the services of payment. This web page uses the following own cookies technical but is important to stand out that any of them is used to control profiles of user or recopilar personal data.

The own cookies are:

  • Control of acceptance of the message of cookies: we store a cookie in his browser to control if it has accepted or no our politics of cookies. 

'Cookies' of personalización

They are those that allow to the user access to the service with some characteristics of general character predefinidas in his terminal or that the own user define. For example, the language, the type of browser through the cual accesses to the service, the design of contents selected, geolocation of the terminal and the regional configuration from where accesses to the service. This page does not use cookies for the generation of profiles of user.

'Cookies' advertising

They are those that allow the effective management of the advertising spaces that have included in the web page or application from which loans the service. They allow to adapt the content of the advertising so that this was notable for the user and to avoid show announcements that the user already have seen. This page does not use cookies for the generation of profiles of user.

'Cookies' of statistical analysis

They are those that allow to make the follow-up and analysis of the behaviour of the users in the websites. The information collected by means of this type of 'cookies' uses in the measurement of the activity of the websites, application or platform and for the preparation of profiles of navigation of the users of said places, with the end to enter improvements in the service in function of the data of use that do the users. This page does not use cookies for the generation of profiles of user.

'Cookies' of third

In some web pages can install 'cookies' of third that allow to manage and improve the services offered. As for example, statistical services of Google Analytics or Youtube.

    The cookies that uses Google Analytics are the following:
    • _utmz: It registers the source of traffic that explains like the user has arrived to the site. Caducity of 6 months.

    • _utmb: It serves to determine new sessions-visits, hour of arrival. Caducity: to the 30 minutes since it plants or updates .

    • _utmc: It serves to calculate the end of the session of the browser.Nature: analysis and follow-up. Caducity: it deletes when changing of web or close the browser.

    • _utma: It serves to distinguish users and sessions and those that times visits the website an user. Nature: analysis and follow-up. Caducity: 2 years since it plants or updates . This cookie updates every time that it sends information to Google Analytics.

    • _gid: It serves to distinguish users. Nature: analysis and follow-up. Caducity 24 hours.

    • _gat: It serves to limit the percentage of applications. Nature: analysis and follow-up. Caducity 10 minutes.

    • _ga: It serves to distinguish users and sessions, as well as, the headcount of those that times visits the website an user. Nature: analysis and follow-up. Caducity 2 years.  

  • YouTube Google Inc: they use also the cookies of Youtube, PREF, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE and YSC, GED_PLAYLIST_ACTIVITY used in the reproduction of videos through the web.
    • PREF: It stores the preferences of configuration, language, number resulted by page, if you want the activation of the Safesearch of Google. Caducity 10 years.
    • VISITOR_INFO1LIVE: it does a follow-up of the videos visited incrustados in the web. Caducity 240 days.
    • YSC: It does a follow-up of the reproductions of video made by the Users, of Likes Me To them and Share Video. Caducous when it finalises the session with the browser.
  • Facebook: they use also the cookies of Facebook.
    • FR: Cookie of third. Purpose: encrypted Facebook GO (identifier) and browser GO (identifier). Nature: advertising comportamental. Caducity: of 1-3 months
    • For more information and form of desactivarlas attend to the following links:
    • In this Web is possible that use the plugins social of Facebook, being able to in this case that his browser can create a direct connection with the servers of Facebook and transmit the data (identifier of the browser of the user) on his behaviour by means of the placing of cookies to the servers of Facebook.
  • Twitter:in this Web is possible that use the plugins social of Twitter, managed by Twitter Inc. 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA being able to in this case that his browser can create a direct connection with the servers of Twitter and transmit the data on his behaviour by means of the placing of cookies to the servers of Twitter. For more information and form of desactivarlas:



How administer cookies in the browser?

The user has the option to allow, block or delete the 'cookies' installed in his team by means of the configuration of the options of the installed browser in his terminal:

To adjust the permissions related with the 'cookies' in the browser Google Chrome:

  • Do click in the menu situated in the bar of tools.
  • Select Configuration.
  • Do click in Mostar options advanced.
  • In the section 'Privacy' do click in the button Configuration of content.
  • In the section of 'Cookies' can configure the options.
  • More information on Google Chrome


To adjust the permissions related with the 'cookies' in the browser Mozilla Firefox:

  • In the top of the window of Firefox do click in the menu Tools.
  • Select Options.
  • Select the signpost Privacy.
  • In the option Firefox will be able to choose Use a personalised configuration for the record to configure the options.
  • More information on Mozilla Firefox


To adjust the permissions related with the 'cookies' in the browser Internet Explorer 9:

  • In the top of the window of Internet Explorer do click in the menu Tools.
  • Select the eyelash of Securityand use the option Delete the record of exploration to delete the 'cookies'. Activate the box 'Cookies' and, to continuation, do click in Deleting.
  • Select the eyelash of Securityand access to Configuration. Move the control deslizante totally upwards to block all the 'cookies' or totally downwards to allow all the 'cookies'. After this, do click in Accepting.
  • More information on Internet Explorer 9


In case to block the use of 'cookies' in his browser is possible that some services or functionalities of the web page are not available.

In some browsers can configure specific rules to administer 'cookies' by website, what offers a more precise control on the privacy. This means that it can inhabilitar 'cookies' of all the places save of those in which it trust .

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Of the Muslim, 18
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We use own cookies and of third to improve the experience of navigation and show him contained of his interest.More information
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