Any natural or juridical person, public or private, that use the web turns into User of the same and this comports the automatic acceptance, full and without reservation, of these general Conditions of use.
The instructions for use of the portal, as well as the presentation and configuration of the web page, can be modified by FEC SPAIN anytime and without prior notice to the users. Therefore, it will be responsibility of the User know, at all times, the quoted conditions of utilisation.
The utilisation of the services offered in the portal are free, without that, with general character, was necessary to inscribe in any register.
The User forces to use the web or the services offered through her with lawful ends, engaging to not damaging, disable or deteriorate the web or his services neither prevent his enjoy by other users. To such effects remains on purpose forbidden, without that this enumeration understand in no case limiting, the realisation of the following acts:
- Induce, incite or promote criminal performances, denigratory, difamatorias, infamantes, violent or, in general, contrary to the law, to the morals and good habits generally accepted or to the public order;
- Induce, incite or promote performances or discriminatory attitudes by reason of sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition;
- Incorporate, put to disposal or allow the access to elements, messages and/or criminal services, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading or, in general, contrary to the law, to the morals and to the good habits generally accepted or to the public order;
- Prejudice the intellectual property rights or industrial that can exist on the contents that appear or supply through the Portal. To such effects, the user will not be able to reproduce, distribute, communicate publicly, or of any another forms to explode the contents to which have access through this web, already was of free or onerous form, total or partial, except that on purpose it specify said possibility;
- Vulnerar Or transgress the right to the honour, to the personal or familiar privacy, or the image of third people;
- Modify, alter, quebrantar, disable or destroy any electronic information, data, intellectual creation or computer program to which the users have access through the portal;
- Violate the business or industrial secrets of third.
FEC SPAIN Does not hold responsible that at all times the services supplied through his portal are available for the users, neither that those work or no properly, or that they fulfil the expectations that the users can house.
The intellectual property rights on the web, graphic design and codes, are exclusive property of FEC SPAIN.
It corresponds to said company the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the same in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.
The conditions that will have to respect the User for the partial reproduction are:
· That it quote on purpose like source of information.
· That it make with spirit to obtain the information contained and no with commercial purpose neither for distinct use of the individual or private.
· That any included content in this web was modified of form any.
· That any available element in this web was used, copied or distributed separately of the text or rest of contents that accompany it.
· That it was communicated previously, by writing and of irrefutable way, to FEC SPAIN and to his time, obtain the permission certified of the company for said reproduction.
· That the elements reproduced do not go to be yielded later to third or install in a server connected to Internet or to a local network.
FEC SPAIN Does not guarantee, among others, the quality of the service and the good operation of the communications. FEC SPAIN Does not do responsible of any damage or damage of any nature that can cause to third people neither, to title enunciativo, of:
- The possible errors of security that could produce by the fact to use versions of browsers no up to date, or of the consequences that could derive of the bad operation of the browser, already was by unsuitable configuration, presence of computer viruses or any another extraneous cause to FEC SPAIN;
- The bad utilisation of the contents, reserving the right to update them when it want to, to delete them, limit them or prevent the access to them, of temporary or definite way;
- Any no contained information in this web page and, therefore, no elaborated by FEC SPAIN or no published with his name;
- The possible discrepancies that can arise between the version of his documents printed matter and the electronic version of the same published in his web page;
- The use that the minors do of the web put that it is responsibility of the parents ensure of the correct use of a tool like Internet and accompany to the minors in his sessions.
- The information contained in the web pages to which the users have access through the links of this page. The eventual references that make in the web of FEC SPAIN to any product, service, process, link, hipertexto or any another information using the mark, the commercial name or the manufacturer or supplier, that are of titularity of third does not constitute or involves backrest, sponsorship or recommendation by part of FEC SPAIN.
FEC SPAIN Will be able to anytime, and without need of preaviso any, vary, modify, suspend or cancel, already was of temporary or definite form, the content or the access to any one of the services offered through the portal. This faculty does not give right to the users to any compensation by damages and damages.
Any person that consider that in some service of the portal of FEC SPAIN exist facts or circumstances that can suppose a violation of rights of third people, already was derived of the willing, between others, in the legislation on copyright, patent rights, right to the honour to the privacy and to the own image or any another, will be able to send a communication written headed to FEC SPAIN, C/Muslim, number 18 (08918) Badalona.
FEC SPAIN Fulfils with the European and Spanish rule of data protection of personal character and guarantees the whole fulfillment of the willing obligations in the General Regulation of Data protection (RGPD), the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, of Personal Data protection and guarantee of the digital rights, the Royal decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, by which approves the Regulation of development of the LOPD and other valid rule in each moment, and looks after to guarantee a correct use and treatment of the personal data of the user.
. FEC SPAIN Will not yield to third neither will sell or will share the data of the users.
· FEC SPAIN Will not contact with any user unless it was strictly necessary for the service required.
· The User will have right to access, cancel, rectify or oponerse to said data sending a writing to FEC SPAIN, C/Muslim, number 18 (08918) Badalona.
The relation between FEC SPAIN and the User will govern by the Spanish law. For the resolution of any discrepancy that could arise between FEC SPAIN and the User both parts, with expresses renunciation to any another fuero that it could correspond them, subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Courts of Barcelona.
C/ Of the Muslim, 18
08918 - Badalona (Barcelona)
Tel: 934406 103.
Fax: 934499 790.
Monday to Thursday: 9.00h to 18.00h
Friday: 9.00h to 17.00h